Monday, August 13, 2012

Hi! My name is Fenney.  I was named for the spice, fennel.  I am a pointer/beagle female  mix living in my foster home in Philadelphia, PA.  I came from  a shelter in Tennessee.  The shelter workers thought I had vision issues and the really nice people from Blind Dog Rescue stepped in to help me.  Turns out, I can see very well.  I think I was just scared in the shelter and I really wanted to find my Forever Family.  The vet said I have some nasty worms that can hurt my heart.  These yucky things are called heart worms.  The vet gave me needles that had immeticide in them.  This is supposed to help me get rid of these worms.  Because of this, I am restricted in what I am allowed to do.  I have to stay in my pen in the family room most of the time.  I can go out for short walks.  I only have to do this for another two weeks.  I can't wait until my foster mom takers me back to the big park near here!!  Here are some pictures of me before I had the injections and could go to the park and play in the yard. My foster mom says I am an angel and will make a loyal and lovable addition to my future forever family!!